Changing Google Autocomplete / Autosuggest Results

Google Autocomplete appears when you’re searching for an item on Google. This feature will suggest several variations of what it calculates based on your search query. However, if one of those results is ‘(Your Company) Reviews’, chances are that some of those reviews are negative. We can stop your potential clients from seeing this result in Autocomplete. . At SearchReputation we can manipulate Autosuggest results in such a way that only positive phrases associated with your company appear. This service is a highly effective front line defense against online reputation attacks.

UPDATE JULY 16, 2015

Modifying suggestions in the search box was quite easy before July 2015.

If you intended to obtain a variety of search activities, you could establish and manage some proxies, crowdsource sites or private networks. Within 3-4 months, suggestions would automatically replace negative phrases that had very little search activity.

We have known for some time that after wiping the negative suggestions, a continuous search for positive terms was required to keep away the negative terms. A negative suggestion could come back if ongoing search activity was not continued. This was the case with about 75% of the cases we handled.

But in July 2015 an update caught the pinging of unnatural searches.

What Types Of Searches Are “Unnatural”?

Some of the techniques to complete “unnatural” searches

1 – Crowdsource Sites – websites such as Crowdflower, Microworkers and Mechanical Turk enable job postings for a price. From experience, it can be simple for an employee of Google to open an account on any of these websites and monitor the jobs on “search and click” that may be used for the manipulation of auto-complete searches. Then it becomes easy to blacklist searches on any of the sites. There is a consensus that Google is looking at these websites… so stay away.

2 – Public Proxy Service – a very cheap and easy to use proxy is HideMyAss. HMA was effective in performing searches from different IP addresses before May 2014. However, blacklisting searches done from HMA networks by Google can be easily done and, as such, HMA searches cannot help change automatic suggestions.

3 – Private Proxy/VPS Service – do not put all your eggs in the private proxy/VPS service basket because many websites can determine whether or not you are using a proxy. Even though private proxies are better, they can still be easily detected by Google.

4 – Automated Services – Any robotically performed search is almost certainly established from a private or public proxy switching service. (This is because performing the same search will not manipulate Google suggestions. You need different IPs). If you intend to use an automated service provider, you need to understand that you are risking the detection of your proxy or automation..

5 – Private networks – In order to make searches appear natural to Google, the use of private networks is arguably the best technique. Of course, establishing a private network requires an abundant amount of time but by creating your own database of actual individuals, you can use a random pattern to distribute searches. Using email lists of employees or volunteers would be a good way to start.

What Volume of Search Activity Is “Unnatural”

Before the algorithm update, anybody could manipulate search activities irrespective of whether it seemed natural or unnatural. However, as of July 2015 some detailed refinements became necessary.

It is vital to note that Google searches have to be gradually boosted. Realistically, it is possible to have searches multiplied by 20 fold within a month but it is highly unlikely and, as such, doesn’t look natural.

Here is what we recommend.

Most importantly, searches should be pioneered from the country where the change is most needed.

  1. Multiply the positive keywords gradually.
  2. Reduce the search activity for natural looking appended keywords
  3. Enhance the search activity for the root keywords to enable you get to higher levels
  4. Make use of networks of actual individuals and proxies for more of the appended keyword searches
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